We are not One
We are not all one, and love is not the answer for everything. Many lies have been perpetuated throughout human history. Earth’s inhabitants come from diverse origins. Physically, we are one species, but the soul inhabiting each body can be very different. Some of us have the ability to make the world a better place, bringing more light, while others serve their own dark agenda and overlords, controlling and harming those who originate from the light. They can also attach themselves to people, using their resources and life force, and blocking them from accessing their own resources.
This planet has been ruled by parasitic supernatural forces for many years, some known by names like Satan and Lucifer, who exploit the inhabitants as energy sources. Disconnected from the Source, they rely on our life force for sustenance; without it, they would perish.
Our suffering also serves as their sustenance. Poverty, war, and illness are among the tools they employ to extract this “tax” from us.